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120 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Budapest, VIII. kerület, Józsefváros – Csarnoknegyed
1 615 m2
0 thous.
Property / Tenure For sale
181 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
Budapest, III. kerület, Aranyhegy
52 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
330 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
Budapest, XII. kerület
64 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For rent
Budapest, VII. kerület, Belső-Erzsébetváros
50 m2
0 thous.
Vacation House For sale
46 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Balatonlelle, Központ
350 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
Budapest, II. kerület
92 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Budapest, V. kerület

Anya és lányai a magyar luxusingatlan-piac élén

Forbes magazin

Bizalmi kapcsolati háló és pozitív ügyfélélmény a kulcs az üzleti sikerhez

Forbes magazin
Private House For sale, Budapest, XII. kerület, 620 m2,   10 Room
750 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:     ENGLISH STYLE VILLA FOR SALE IN XII. IN DISTRICT   The XII. In the Virányos part of the district, this panoramic, 620 sqm floor area, elegant, English-style independent villa building with a total of ten rooms on a 1378 sqm plot is for sale.   The location is very favorable, the street is quiet and easily accessible in all seasons. The external cladding of the villa is in impeccable condition and timeless clinker brick, the spaciousness of the interior spaces is provided by the 60 sqm living room, whose double ceiling height provides an extra sense of space. The living room has a fireplace, and the panoramic terrace opening from here has a jacuzzi and a greenhouse.   A beautiful kidney-shaped pool in the garden provides the feeling of vacation, and in the basement of the house there is a rustic wine cellar.   The master bedroom and three other rooms are located on the first floor, and the top floor is a separate three-room apartment with a kitchen.   The villa also has a four-space garage and a fitness room.   If you are interested in the property, please feel free to contact me, I am available.   Dr. László Tímea RE AL ESTATE LAWYER - REAL ESTATE EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA LTD. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY LTD. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54.   1026 ERZSÉBET FASOR SZILÁGYI 121. BUDAPEST BUDAGYONGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Private House For sale, Üröm, 420 m2,   6 Room
199.9 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   Two exceptionally unique, panoramic family houses for sale side by side in Üröm!   Both houses have a floor area of 420 sqm, with a layout of living room + 5 rooms and 3 bathrooms, including an INDOOR POOL and SAUNA.   Located in the quiet and peaceful Péterhegy, just 5 km from Budapest, these family houses, built in 1995, boast every luxury element of their time.   The featured property in this listing comes with 3 terraces and completely separate rooms with spacious interiors. The house is situated on the upper (rear) part of an 800 sqm plot, with a double garage on the lower level, adjacent to a wellness section: housing the indoor swimming pool, JACUZZI, and sauna. Additionally, there are utility rooms, a laundry room, and it could easily be transformed into a gym.   On the living room level, the spacious entrance hall leads to an open-plan living room connected to the kitchen and dining area. Thanks to the large, arched windows, the panoramic living room is bathed in sunlight, and the enormous dining table comfortably accommodates the extended family. This level also features a guest room, a bathroom next to it, and a separate restroom.   From the dining area and kitchen, there is access to the rear terrace and garden, providing a seamless flow around the house.   On the upper floor, four rooms open from the hallway, along with a separate walk-in wardrobe and a spacious bathroom equipped with a bathtub and shower, with a window overlooking the rear garden.   The master bedroom has its own large terrace, an ensuite bathroom with a corner bathtub and built-in shower, and a private walk-in wardrobe.   The other three rooms face the opposite side and have access to a large shared terrace. In addition, the living room has a massive front terrace, creating a charming atmosphere with the mature trees in the extensive garden.   If you would like to view this perfect family home or need further information, feel free to contact me. I am at your service anytime, and I also recommend another neighboring house with similar features but renovated a few years ago.   DR. LÁSZLÓ TÍMEA REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT - PROPERTY EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER  
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, V. kerület, 190 m2,   4 Room
569 million Ft
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  CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY bemutatja:   5. kerületben ELADÓ a  Szabadság térre néző ingatlan.   Alapterülete 190 nm, melynek nappalijából illetve hálószobájából gyönyörű kilátás nyílik a Szabadság térre. Az ingatlan a negyedik emeleten található, és hozzátartozik egy 7nm-es erkély. A kiváló alapterületnek köszönhetően került kialakításra a három hálószoba és három fürdőszoba Mindezek mellett a nappalinak sikerült megőrizni a hatalmas területét a maga 85,5 négyzetméterével. A nagy hálószoba a gardróbbal 34 nm. A lakásban amerikai konyha különleges konyhaszigettel kerül kialakításra. A nappalit igazán különlegessé teszi a kanapé mögött található gipszstukkó és olasz burkolat. A konyhában a nappalival harmonizáló, gyönyörű, óriási burkolatból készült konyhasziget kerül beépítésre. A hálószobákban található gipsz installációk is a nappali stílusát és elemeit követik, melyeket LED világítások tesznek még hangulatosabbá. A bútorok mindegyike egyedi darab. A gardrób kialakítása modern, nyitott, nemcsak a ruhák elhelyezését teszi lehetővé, hanem az egyes designer darabok bemutatását is. Az előszobában és a nappaliban is nagy hangsúlyt kapnak az egyedileg ide tervezett és gyártott nagyméretű szekrények. A nappaliba egy óriási tükör kerül elhelyezésre a padlótól a plafonig, melynek különlegessége, hogy minden oldala fazettázva van, így kölcsönözve egyedülállóbb hatást. A TV szekrény önmagában is lenyűgöző, mely 6 méter hosszú, igény szerint a TV-t el lehet rejteni benne. A kanapé Meridiani René egy új formavilág, amely mind méreteiben, mind formájában különleges. A fürdőszobánál a tervezők törekedtek az exkluzivitásra. A különböző anyagok párosítása mind formailag, mind anyaghasználatában is modern, merész, mégis harmonikus. A lakás teljesen gépesített, mosógéppel, szárítógéppel, beépített konyhával rendelkezik. A fürdőszobákban kiváló minőségű szaniterek (Grohe, Villeroy & Boch) és a lakás stílusához illő olasz design burkolatokat használtak a tervezőink. (FMG Procelanosa)   Ár.569 millió Ft
Private House For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 370 m2,   9 Room
390 million Ft
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2. kerületben ELADÓ egy teljesen átépített 370 nm-es ház, 985 nm-es telken, pazar  kilátással. 2018-ban minőségi anyagok felhasználásával új víz- és szennyvíz-, villany vezeték, vadonatúj radiátorok háromrétegű ablakok, új tető, prémium kandalló, automata öntözőrendszer,, automata villanyrendszer  lett kialakítva. A ház 370 nm-es, melyben  2 tágas nappalit találunk étkezővel. 2 konyhát, 3 fürdőszobát, vendég wc-t és 7 szobát. A földszinti  fa tüzelésű kandallós nappali 130 nm-es, innen  egy 40 nm-es terasz nyílik, közvetlen kertkapcsolattal.  A földszinten még található egy 20 nm-es vendégszoba saját fürdőszobával, konyhával és vendég wc-vel. Az  emeleti  50 nm-es, klimatizált családi térben, konyha étkezőszigettel, nappali lett kialakítva panorámás terasszal, 2 16nm-es hálószoba, egy gardróbszoba, egy fürdőszoba wc-vel és egy nagy 20nm-es hálószoba tágas fürdőszobával. A legfelső szinten 2 szoba és tároló helyiségek találhatók.  Fedett beálló 3 gépkocsinak és a garázs egy beállási lehetőséggel.   Ár: 390 millió Ft
Private House For sale, Balatonföldvár, 81 m2,   3 Room
99 million Ft
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C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY bemutatja:    Luxuslakás, modern design Balatonföldváron, kilátással a Völgyhídra Természetvédelmi terület határán 2 X 720 nm-es telken 7 db (önálló házként funkcionáló) lakást kínálunk eladásra. A belső 2 szintes prémium lakások tetőterasszal, saját kertrésszel, valamint gépkocsibeállóval rendelkeznek.   1. számú lakás:   81 nm + 40 nm tetőterasz földszint:     43 nm: amerikai konyhás nappali, gardrob, WC mosdóval emelet:       37,7 nm: 2 háló, fürdőszoba WC-vel tetőterasz:  40 nm saját telek: 172 nm, gépkocsibeállóval   A hagyományos és modern technológiák találkozása. A hatalmas hőszigetelt üvegfelületek, modern és egyedi megjelenést kölcsönöznek a háznak. Ökoház, AA+ energetikai tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezik, tehát megfelel a "közel nulla energiaigény" építésügyi előírásainak. Ingatlan automata árnyékolással, okostelefonnal vezérelhető, ES Energy Save okosvezérlésű hőszivattyús hűtés-fűtés rendszerrel rendelkezik, helyiségenkénti hőmérsékletszabályozás. Igény szerint napelemmel és további okosotthon megoldásokkal bővíthető. Szaniterek: épített zuhany, RAVAK fürdőkád, GROHE, Hansgrohe csaptelepek Geberit beépített WC.   Medence lehetőség.    A tervezett átadás: 2023. március   Irányár: 99 M Ft    Ez a kulcsrakész ár (olasz design bútorokkal)   Amennyiben érdekli az ingatlan, kérem, jelentkezzen nálam:   ÜDVÖZLETTEL: DR VINCELLÉR ZSUZSA ÜGYVEZETŐ, CEO, LUXURY SPECIALIST +3630-815-2510 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT    
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 130 m2,   4 Room
352.5 million Ft
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CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   A II. Kerület Legújabb Ékköve   Álmodozott már valaha arról, hogy egy olyan helyen éljen, ahol a természet szépsége és a modern világ kényelme tökéletes harmóniában van? Most pontosan egy ilyen ritka gyöngyszemet kínálunk eladásra!   Engedje meg, hogy bemutassam Önnek Budapest II. kerületének legújabb büszkeségét, a festői Apáthy-szikla lábánál, Rubik Ernő legendás Villájának a szomszédságában, egy lélegzetelállító természetvédelmi terület mellett, 4.500 nm-es ősfás parkban, egy újépítésű, 7 lakásos, 2 liftes társasház földszintjén, egy 130 nm-es, nappali + 3 hálószobás lakás, 22 nm-es terasszal és kertkapcsolattal eladó.   Élvezze a déli tájolást, a János-hegyi kilátóra néző panorámát, és a zöldövezeti nyugalmat. Egyedülálló koncepciója és kivitelezési minősége révén ez a projekt a város legkívánatosabb lakóhelyévé válik, ahol a modern építészet, a kifinomult stílus és a természet harmonikus összhangja példátlan életminőséget kínál.   Prémium Minőség és Exkluzív Építészeti Megoldások Ez a Luxus Társasház az I. osztályú anyaghasználat és a legmagasabb színvonalú kivitelezési és műszaki tartalom révén garantálja a prémium minőséget, ennek köszönhetően az Ön otthona nem csak esztétikailag lesz lenyűgöző, hanem tartós és hosszú távon is értékálló marad. A lakás belmagassága kb 3 méter.   Zöld Oázis a Város Szívében Minden lakás saját, kizárólagos használatú, déli tájolású terasszal vagy kerttel rendelkezik, kilátással a János-hegyre, gondosan megtervezett növényzettel és modern öntözőrendszerrel kerülnek átadásra. A kertekben és a teraszokon található vízvételi helyek, valamint az öntözőrendszer gondoskodik növényei egészségéről és szépségéről.   Okosotthon A lakások a legfejlettebb KNX alapú okosotthon rendszerrel vannak felszerelve, amely lehetővé teszi a fűtés, világítás, árnyékolás, biztonsági rendszerek, bejárati kapuk, video kapucsengő stb. távoli vezérlését egyszerűen, akár egy érintéssel a világ bármely pontjáról, így az élete még kényelmesebbé és energiatakarékosabbá válik. A fenntartható életvitel érdekében minden technológiai megoldás a legújabb trendeknek megfelelően került kiválasztásra.   A Legmodernebb Technológiai Megoldások A kiemelkedően gazdaságos levegő-víz hőszivattyús rendszer biztosítja otthona fűtését és hűtését, míg a hővisszanyerős szellőztetőrendszer friss és tiszta levegőt garantál. A szaniterek a legmagasabb minőségi követelményeknek megfelelően kerültek kiválasztásra, biztosítva ezzel az otthoni wellness élményt minden nap. A 2 db 8 személyes liftnek köszönhetően a lakás megközelítése akadálymentes a garázsból.   Parkolás és Tárolás A lakáshoz 1, 2 vagy 3 parkolóhely (összesen 16 db áll rendelkezésre) vásárolható a teremgarázsban, elektromos autó töltési lehetőséggel, így a környezettudatos életmód egyszerűen megvalósítható. Lakásonként 1 tároló helyiség is vásárolható, amelyben elektromos áram is kialakításra kerül. A legmodernebb technológiákkal felszerelt társasház - okostelefonról vezérelhető kapuk, videókaputelefon és 24 órás biztonsági rendszer - gondoskodik a lakók nyugalmáról és privát szférájáról.   Várható átadás: 2024 év vége   Merüljön el a Prémium Életérzésben Ne hagyja ki azt a ritka lehetőséget, hogy részese legyen egy olyan elit közösségnek, akik értékelik a legfejlettebb technológiai megoldásokat, a természet szépségét, valamint a modern világ stílusát és kényelmét. A déli tájolás, a János-hegyi panoráma és a zöldövezeti nyugalom mind hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy új otthona valóban a pihenés és a feltöltődés helyszíne legyen, amelyről mindig is álmodott.   Az Új Otthona Már Várja Élje át azt az életérzést, amelyet csak a legmagasabb színvonalú otthonok nyújtanak! Lépjen be egy olyan világba, ahol minden nap inspirációt és nyugalmat talál és kezdjen el egy új és kényelmesebb életet.   Ára: 352.500.000 Ft Ezen felül garázs vásárolható 12 millió Ft/db áron, valamint lehetőség van külön tároló megvásárlására is.   Üdvözlettel: DR VINCELLÉR VALÉRIA ÜGYVEZETŐ, CEO, LUXURY SPECIALIST +3630-815-1999 [email protected] 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT   CITYCARTEL - International Luxury Real Estate Agency   A CITYCARTEL Magyarország legnagyobb luxus ingatlaniroda hálózata, több mint 23 éve foglalkozik professzionális ingatlanközvetítéssel belföldön és külföldön. A több ezres exkluzív portfólióban a belföldi és külföldi ingatlanpiac legjobb ingatlanjai találhatóak.  A CITYCARTEL ingatlanirodák szeretettel várják Önt is országszerte.  
Csak nálunk
Private House For sale, Mogyoród, 385 m2,   6 Room
319 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   Shimmering luxury Mediterranean family house surrounded by 4100 sqm park for sale!   In the central part of Mogyoród, secluded from the main road, we offer for sale a completely intimate, massive house situated on a landscaped plot with 8 parking spaces plus a garage.   The total number of rooms includes a living room + 5 bedrooms + other spaces (common areas, storage rooms/walk-in closets, etc.) / 3 bathrooms (2 with a bathtub and 3 with a shower).   The living area totals 385 sqm, where on the ground floor, you will find an entrance hall, storage room, open kitchen, spacious bathroom with a built-in shower and sauna. Going downstairs, there is a bedroom and a children's room with a terrace, connected by a communal space with a bathroom, garage, and a huge walk-in closet.   Upstairs, two spacious bedrooms open from a small lounge, followed by a semi-level with an independent living area with a bedroom, walk-in closet, bathroom, and terrace.   From the living room, stepping onto a 120 sqm covered terrace, you can enjoy the view of the beautifully landscaped garden, maintained daily by the latest Husquarna robotic lawnmower.   The house is characterized by sparkling luxury in its finishes, furnishings, and accessories. The light fixtures, due to their exceptional value, are subject to separate agreement, as are certain pieces of furniture.   Underneath the house, there is a garage currently used for storage, while cars are parked in a newly constructed 133 sqm garage with resin flooring located at the end of the garden, featuring four independently opening doors. The heating of the house is provided by a boiler, and despite its large size, maintenance is cost-effective. Security is ensured by a 10 million HUF Ajax camera system controlled by phone.   The garden includes a cistern and a bio-septic tank, as well as a barbecue area and benches, along with numerous manicured ornamental plants.   This property boasts unique features, with no other property offering such a combination of a large landscaped garden and garages, all while being well-connected yet secluded from the outside world – a perfect paradise for new homeowners.   If this wonderful house has piqued your interest, I warmly welcome your inquiries at any time. The property is privately owned, free of encumbrances, and has a clean title.   DR. LÁSZLÓ TÍMEA REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT    +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Csak nálunk
For sale, Kunadacs, 1 230 m2,   14 Room
900 thous. €
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY   In the northern part of Bács-Kiskun county, 40 kilometers from Kecskemét, in the enchanting outskirts of Kunadacs where it seems as if time has stood still, lies a breathtaking estate perfectly suited for making dreams come true. This fully enclosed property, spanning more than 9 hectares (93,302 sqm) and enveloped by forests and pastures, awaits its new owner. This area is an oasis of peace and tranquility, almost entirely self-sufficient, with every detail meticulously attended to – a true paradise awaits those interested! The estate currently houses several buildings, and according to the local building regulations of Kunadacs, the area is designated for special development, such as the construction of a retirement living park, with the possibility of developing around 30 units: Peregadacsi Retirement Living Park Regulations Unlimited placement of dwelling units and auxiliary buildings, including: a) Residences and ancillaries b) Human service facilities c) Cultural, community, entertainment, and sports buildings Minimum plot size: 3000 sqm Building setback from plot boundaries: 6 meters Maximum coverage: 10% Maximum building height defined by structure height: a) With deviations as per b: max 7.5 meters b) Tower-like structures necessary for technology: max 30 meters Minimum green area: 40% Current Buildings on the Property: Manor: The impeccably maintained and renovated Geréby-Kinicz Manor, once serving as the noble family's residence and agricultural hub, was constructed in 1850 in a classical style using adobe and brick. It creates a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of past eras, enchanting its visitors. Covering approximately 600 square meters over two floors, the ground level hosts a large entry hall, spacious living room, separate dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and separate WC. Additional rooms have been created on the attic level, with potential for more. A large bathroom serves this level. Heating is provided by a gas-fired boiler and an authentic tile stove in the living room. A renovation in 2002 ensured the interiors retained the quaint, romantic atmosphere characteristic of ancient manors. A beautiful, atmospheric pool is located in front of the manor, measuring 7.5 x 15 meters (unheated, offering a genuine experience during the summer months). The manor and its land are on a separate cadastral number, with a 3,277 sqm plot. The other structures are located on a separate cadastral number over a 90,025 sqm plot. The area is exempt from certain restrictions, making it purchasable by foreign nationals without the need for public posting. Main Building: Constructed around 2010 from Ytong blocks, the unique, cozy, multi-terraced, modern main building equipped with air conditioning, living room+6 bedrooms, is three-storied. The basement spans 250 sqm (accommodating stables, carriage storage – suitable for 6 cars, workshop, billiard room), the ground floor 190 sqm, and the upper floor 190 sqm, totaling 630 sqm, further enhanced by two large terraces. Located on a picturesque hilltop, the living space is east-facing. Heating is provided by gas circulator, with underfloor heating and radiators on the ground floor, as well as electric heating and a wood fireplace, creating a special atmosphere. Thanks to rooftop solar panels, the estate's electricity supply is from clean sources, with condensing gas boilers providing heating and hot water. Outbuildings: Stork's Nest: Constructed in 1995, offering unique opportunities for residential adaptation. The ground floor covers approx. 80 square meters, and the upper floor 50 square meters. The building is heated with a tile stove and includes a 160 sqm stable. Designed with a high roof, beyond the enclosed mass, a covered-open storage area exists, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Granary: A 200 sqm granary built around 1850, unheated, consists of a ground floor and attic, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Storage: Approximately a 30 sqm storage building and unheated container were built in 2012, designed as a ground-level structure with two 20-foot shipping containers covered by a traditional wooden roof structure. Tools and agricultural machinery parts are stored within. The building is unheated. Two wells are located on the property, including the Mária well established in 1850, providing clean, potable water quality. Three sedimentation tanks are also available on-site. All buildings are equipped with electricity. The garage can accommodate up to 10 cars, with ample space available on the property for additional vehicles. The estate offers the potential for further development, allowing the new owner ample opportunity to expand according to their needs. Suitable for horse breeding but also ideal for farming and relaxation. This unique estate, exempt from agricultural use, is located on two cadastral numbers. Accessibility is excellent, with the M5 motorway and secondary roads providing easy access, all roads paved up to the property. Environment: An island of peace and tranquility, visited only by those coming here, close to nature, with a significant portion of Hungary's wildlife observable from the terrace. Hundreds of protected rare birds inhabit the area. There are no restrictions on keeping any large domestic animals on the estate. The area is fully fenced and protected with an electric fence. This estate is recommended for anyone wishing to experience the proximity of nature. It is a perfect choice for those seeking a unique, peaceful, and nature-close lifestyle, or for those interested in farming. Ideal for keeping large animals, the new owner could open an alpaca or ostrich farm, or even their own horse stable. The area is completely fenced, protected with an electric fence, ideal for animal husbandry. If rural tourism interests you, the estate offers ample opportunities to develop accommodations, ensuring guests are comfortably separated from each other. This estate is not just a home but a lifestyle, where anyone can realize their dreams, be it farming, investing, or simply living a peaceful, nature-close life. Living in harmony with nature and its captivating beauty, this estate offers true home and happiness to its new owner. A significant portion of Kunadacs's population lives off agriculture. Children can attend kindergarten and school locally, with a cultural house and medical clinic nearby. All streets are paved, new sports fields have been developed, and selective waste collection is practiced. The village has access to mains water, gas, telephone, and cable TV services. Outside the urban area, 1620 hectares of protected land managed by the Kiskunsági National Park, filled with protected plants and animals, are available. If this advertisement has piqued your interest, you have questions, or would like to view the property, please contact me with confidence. I look forward to your inquiry!
Brick Apartment For rent, Budapest, VII. kerület, 118 m2,   3 Room
3.9 thous. €
In the 7th district, near Andrássy Avenue, in a renovated building with an elevator, a newly designed, uniquely atmospheric, 118 sqm residential area, a two-bedroom luxury penthouse with panoramic terraces (60+30 sqm), living room, and is awaiting its first occupant.   The apartment is representative, consisting of a 66 sqm equipped American kitchen living room and 2 separate, private bathroom bedrooms, along with a storage room and a guest toilet.   Each room has its own terrace access.   The apartment is sunny, bathed in light from morning to evening – from one terrace, you can see the facade of the Liszt Academy, and from the other, the Gellért Hill and the Buda Castle.   The apartment is furnished: furnished and equipped, and the furnishing of the second bedroom/guest room/office is arranged in consultation with the tenant. The kitchen and utility room are equipped with Bosch appliances (built-in refrigerator, cooktop with extractor hood, microwave oven, oven, washing machine, heat pump dryer, freezer). The windows, equipped with triple glazing and electric blinds, provide virtually complete sound insulation.   Heating and cooling (individually adjustable per room) are provided by fan coil units with underfloor heating assistance, operating on residential H tariff based on individual consumption.   The apartment meets the requirements for nearly zero energy demand.   Liszt Ferenc Square, Nagymező Street, and Andrássy Avenue are just a few steps away. Parking can be arranged nearby.   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your call.
Private House For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 449 m2,   7 Room
990 million Ft
Exclusive, Panoramic, Luxury Family House with Pool - Near the Ferenc Hill   Discover a New Level of Elegance! We introduce this dazzling, modern villa built in 2023, located on an 816 sqm plot near the Ferenc Hill nature reserve area. This newly built family house 420 sqm with a living room + 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, an outdoor pool, and a 4-car garage, is for sale.   Spacious Living Areas, Unique Design On the ground floor, an impressive 6-meter-high gallery living room with an open kitchen, dining area, unique design staircase, and huge glass surfaces create a perfect sense of space. Stepping out from the living room and kitchen, we arrive at the south-facing, covered terrace, where a heated pool awaits us. Additionally, this level includes two separate bedrooms and a boudoir-style hidden bathroom.   Luxury Bedrooms On the first floor, the master bedroom with its own wardrobe, bathroom, and breathtaking panoramic view awaits you. This level is completed with two additional bedrooms, a windowed bathroom, and an open relaxation corner.   Redefining the Wellness Experience Discover the wellness-fitness area on the top floor: a 6-person jacuzzi, a 6-person combined infrared and Finnish sauna, a shower, and a nearly 100 sqm rooftop terrace offering stunning views of the city and mountains.   Comfort and Functionality The lowest level features a spacious 4-car garage, two big storage rooms, a utility room, and a separate apartment with its own entrance, kitchen and bathroom, perfectly catering to the needs of guests, family members, or staff.   Cutting-Edge Technology and Quality Materials The building is constructed with the latest technologies and finest materials, ensuring the highest level of comfort and security: air heat pump ceiling cooling-heating, underfloor heating, central heat recovery ventilation, smart home system, solar panel system, electric aluminum shutters, graphite insulation, high-quality wooden parquets, marble and granite tiles, Villeroy & Boch sanitary ware, crystal lamps, custom-designed and built kitchens and built-in furniture, granite countertops in the kitchen, MIELE appliances, triple-glazed aluminum windows with enhanced insulation, motion and opening sensor alarm system, video door phone and gate opening system, Legrand switches, Hörmann garage doors, limestone cladding on the exterior façade, etc.   Green Environment and Easy Accessibility The carefully designed garden and automatic irrigation system create a true green oasis amid the hustle and bustle of city life. The property is excellently located, close to shopping centers, leisure activities, and the city's best educational institutions.   A Rare Opportunity! Do not miss one of the best value-for-money, newly built family houses in District II, where you will find a unique combination of luxury and comfort. This property is not just a home – it is a lifestyle, don’t miss out!     Kind regards: Kontra Adrián +36 30 815-2514  ÉRTÉKESÍTÉSI MUNKATÁRS - SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT   CITYCARTEL - International Luxury Real Estate Agency Professional Real Estate Brokerage with Hungary’s Top Real Estate Agents CITYCARTEL, Hungary's largest Luxury Real Estate Agency network, offers over 23 years professional real estate brokerage services to clients both nationally and internationally. Our exclusive portfolio showcases the best properties in Hungary and across the international real estate market. At CITYCARTEL's Real Estate Agencies, located throughout Hungary, we warmly welcome you, whether you're looking to sell or lease your property, or you’re on the search to buy or rent the home of your dreams, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact CITYCARTEL to experience our professional real estate services. We are dedicated to fulfilling your real estate needs.  
Private House For sale, Mogyoród, 200 m2,   5 Room
199 million Ft
CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   DETACHED FAMILY HOUSE FOR SALE WITH CONCIERGE SERVICE AND GATEKEEPER IN A GATED RESIDENTIAL PARK!   Located just 15 minutes from Budapest, in the secure environment of the Szentjakab Park Village, a dream residential area with two 24-hour concierge services and gated entrances, I offer for sale a standalone family house.   This house currently represents one of the most outstanding properties available for sale in Parkfalu, as it has won energy efficiency grants. As part of this program, a HEAT PUMP, SOLAR PANELS, and 3-CELL GLAZING were insttalled, and these are already included in the purchase price! Set within a completely enclosed and private garden, featuring a fishpond, the tranquil view of which can be enjoyed from the spacious terrace. The terrace comfortably accommodates seating arrangements, a dining table, and a garden grill.   The total living area is 200 sqm, including a large foyer and storage area on the lower level, a master bedroom with its own bathroom, and a living room and kitchen combined (which can also be separated if desired).   The terrace faces south and east, providing full seclusion, practically unseen from the street. Upstairs, a spacious common area leads to three large rooms and another generously sized bathroom. The ground floor bathroom features a shower, while the upstairs one has a bathtub. Both bathrooms are well-lit with large windows.   The property includes a single-car GARAGE and an additional parking spot, on a land plot of 786 sqm. Alongside the terrace, a designated outdoor cooking area has been set up. Irrigation is handled by an IRRIGATION SYSTEM, and the house is equipped with an ALARM SYSTEM.   Mogyoród currently features four residential parks, with Szentjakab Parkfalu being the oldest. This park offers a mature, fully developed green environment with a close-knit community, making it a true paradise for families. Here, you won't find ongoing construction or empty lots, but rather peaceful walking streets accessible only to residents and their guests.   Children can play and bike among the houses, as the fences are low or absent altogether. I personally know every park in the vicinity and have been tracking their development over the past decade, as I also live here. If I can assist you in finding your property, please feel free to reach out to me. I have extensive knowledge of each residential park and can show you various types of houses.   As a real estate legal expert, I am fully familiar with all backgrounds and am readily available at any time.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT - PROPERTY EXPERT +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA LTD. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY LTD. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ROAD 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET PROMENADE 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Private House For sale, Solymár, 430 m2,   5 Room
420 million Ft
We offer for sale a 430 m2, 5-room, 2-story, modern, stylish family house with an indoor pool on the border of the 2nd district of Solymár and Budapest. The house, built 10 years ago, is located on a south-facing corner plot of 1300m2, close to the forest, so peace and good air are guaranteed. The lower level of the two-story family house welcomes you with a spacious entrance hall, living room with dining room, kitchen, study, utility room, washroom, and the pool area and the wellness center are located on this level. On the upper floor, there is the master bedroom with its wardrobe and bathroom, and two bedrooms also with their own bathrooms. The large garage provides space for two cars, as well as storage for bicycles and motorbikes. The house's hot water supply is subsidized by solar panels, as is the heating and pool heating, so the building's maintenance costs are very low. The well-thought-out, well-designed property has many extras that make life comfortable and practical for those who live here. The building is surrounded by an intimate garden with a landscaped irrigation system